May 13th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the second practice exam, complete it for tomorrow. After you have taken the second practice exam.... Here is the answer key to the second exam and the explanations... Check yourself and use it to study.
REVIEW THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
May 8th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
We are in the home stretch now... ONE Week and the Exam will be all over. Make sure to complete question #3 from the following FRQ for Monday for practice.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 30th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare presentations and turn in all old work.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
We are in the home stretch now... Two Weeks and the Exam will be all over. HERE is the Practice Exam. Make sure to complete it by MONDAY. Also remember that our vocab TEST for chapter 13 will be on Monday.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 29th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare presentations and turn in all old work.
World Cultural Geo
If you didn't take the test today make sure you are prepared for it the next time you come in.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 22th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare an outline to turn in for your presentation. Due Thursday.
Presentations will begin next week.
World Cultural Geo
If you didn't take the test today make sure you are prepared for it the next time you come in.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The worksheets for chapter 12 is HERE and HERE If you would like the definitions from the worksheet I handed out you can find it HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 15th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
-1000 words max
-Morpheus states that, “reality is merely electrical signals interpreted by the brain. Your mind makes it real.” To what extent do you agree with this statement.
-Make sure to include of at least two ways of knowing and at least one area of knowledge and use examples from the movie, personal examples (try to limit it to one personal example), and researched examples (should be the majority).
-Your essay is a summative grade and should be guided by a knowledge question that you come up with regarding the prompt. If you need assistance or want me to look over your knowledge question you can email me or see me before or after class to discuss.
-Due Thursday April 16
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE. If you would like the definitions from the worksheet I handed out you can find it HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 10th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
-1000 words max
-Morpheus states that, “reality is merely electrical signals interpreted by the brain. Your mind makes it real.” To what extent do you agree with this statement.
-Make sure to include of at least two ways of knowing and at least one area of knowledge and use examples from the movie, personal examples (try to limit it to one personal example), and researched examples (should be the majority).
-Your essay is a summative grade and should be guided by a knowledge question that you come up with regarding the prompt. If you need assistance or want me to look over your knowledge question you can email me or see me before or after class to discuss.
-Due Thursday April 16
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 9th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Make sure to watch The Matrix if you were not able to see it in class. Unfortunately the next TV showing is on April 18th on TNT.
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 2nd, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill? Why?"
World Cultural Geo
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Is Walmart good for America?"
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 13th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
March 30th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill? Why?"
World Cultural Geo
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Is Walmart good for America?"
AP Human Geo
While I am out, complete the following worksheet with THIS READING FROM CHAPTER 8_.
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
Don't forget we have a chapter test on FRIDAY. HEREare the bonus slides which would be worth looking at as a review for the exam.
March 17th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Work on your presentation.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for the chapter test on Thursday. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class if you do not have it already. Be sure to be in class tomorrow for review for the test.
AP Human Geo
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
If you want to retake the last test HERE is the review document you must complete. You must also make sure that all old assignments are turned in.
March 9th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Work on your presentation.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. There will be a test next week. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
If you want to retake the last test HERE is the review document you must complete. You must also make sure that all old assignments are turned in.
March 2nd, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
For Friday, download the planning form found in the TOK powerpoint section of this website. Fill in the information. Send me an electronic copy to [email protected] and bring in a paper version signed by FRIDAY.
To fill out the three sections... the first section, talk about discussing the six prescribed title topics with me and creating outlines for two of the topics and then talking with me to narrow it down to one prescribed title. The second section talk about completing a first draft and receiving global comments from me about the direction of your essay which may include a checklist to ensure that all elements of the essay were met. The third section should talk about submitting it in to and discussing any problematic areas that we sought further clarification to ensure that the writing was yours and me commenting on things of a global nature.
THEN Save the file with the title: firstnamelastnametokppf
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter worksheets (part 1 and part 2) for the Development chapter (due Thursday). The vocab test will be next Wednesday. The Chapter test will be on Thursday. The HGIA reading can be found HERE and the worksheet can be found HERE. If you need the reading for Chapter 9: Development, HERE it is. HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
March 2nd, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter worksheets (part 1 and part 2) for the Development chapter (due Thursday). The vocab test will be next Wednesday. The Chapter test will be on Thursday. The HGIA reading can be found HERE and the worksheet can be found HERE. If you need the reading for Chapter 9: Development, HERE it is. HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Make sure your essay is uploaded to and bring in your laptop tomorrow for essay submission. Also, bring in a hard copy of the essay for peer review.
February 24th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and have your notebook ready for the notebook check tomorrow.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (Here they are)
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on you essay by utilizing the essay writing resources, including an "Improving your essay" in our TOK powerpoint section. Tomorrow we will finish up working on our second draft and drafts should be submitted to turnitin by tomorrow at midnight. A paper copy is due in class on Tuesday.
February 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and prepare for tomorrow's test. Use the following powerpoint to prepare.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (Here they are)
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on you essay. You should bring in a completed 1st draft tomorrow for our in class activity. You can find essay writing resources, including an "Improving your essay" in our TOK powerpoint section.
February 5th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Complete the worksheet that we had worked on in class and make sure to turn it in.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test.
Links for worksheets..."What is Nato?" link..and.."The EU in Slides"(Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for Political Geography)
The power of place videos can be found HERE. You will want to see the third and fourth videos.
HERE is the reading for the Why Geo Matters reading.
If you wish to retake the previous test on Ethnicity complete the following worksheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Starting Monday we will have BYOB days so bring your laptop. If you want to look at the essay tips worksheet we went over in class you can find it HERE.
January 27th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes for tomorrow's chapter test. Complete the Review worksheet that we were working on in class today.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test.
Links for worksheets..."What is Nato?" link..and.."The EU in Slides"(Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for Political Geography)
HERE is the reading for the Why Geo Matters reading.
If you wish to retake the previous test on Ethnicity complete the following worksheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Start looking at the IB external assessment essay choices for TOK and pick three that you would be comfortable doing. Next week we will start writing our essays.
January 12th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Study section 2 notes for upcoming quiz.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test. Currently the plan is: Friday will be the vocab quiz, Tuesday will be the vocab test, and next Wednesday will be the Chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
If you were not in class today, complete one of the following essay prompts for tomorrow using the proper format for the prescribed essays. Page requirements: 2 page max/ 1 page minimum with 11 point font and narrow margins.
•‘Moral wisdom seems to be as little connected to knowledge of ethical theory as playing good tennis is to knowledge of physics’ (Emrys Westacott). To what extent should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere?
•Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?
November 24th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Tomorrow is the chapter test on religion. The review sheet for the chapter is also due.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Here is the Ch 6 Q and A part 1 and Ch 6 Q and A part 2.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last chapter test (Chapter 5: Language), you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. Once you have completed that, come see me and we will talk through the material and set a time for retaking the test.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on presentation.
November 19th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. \Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A, it will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE. If you need the chapter review it can be found HERE.
If you were not here Monday, HERE is the video on Quebecois and the worksheet. It is also due on Thursday.
If you were not here Tuesday, HERE is the worksheet on THIS READING.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Thursday: Presentation information (who you are working with, what is the real life situation, and what is the knowledge question)
November 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. \Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A, it will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE. If you need the chapter review it can be found HERE.
If you were not here yesterday, HERE is the video on Quebecois and the worksheet. It is also due on Thursday.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Thursday: Presentation information (who you are working with, what is the real life situation, and what is the knowledge question)
November 5th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. We will have a vocab quiz next Friday, then the following Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday of that same week. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due NEXT Friday: “When the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble nails” (Abraham Maslow). How might this apply to ways of knowing, as tools, in the pursuit of knowledge?
Minimum 2 pages double spaced
October 31th, 2014
AP Human Geo
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
October 27th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Complete the chapter review sheet which can be found HERE. Also, create 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false). Due Wednesday. Test is also this Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST. You can work on it tomorrow while I am out or you can also complete the review powerpoint for Wednesday's test. Complete the chapter 3 worksheets for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2) If you need the reading it can be found HERE. Tomorrow the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
October 21st, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter 3 worksheets for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2) If you need the reading it can be found HERE. Tomorrow the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
October 16th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter 3 worksheet for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2)If you need the reading it can be found HERE. This Wednesday the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
October 6th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Make sure to complete the video worksheet we had in class last Friday. The worksheet can be found HERE and the video can be viewed HERE. You only need to watch the first 15 minutes of the video in order to answer the questions.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Make sure to complete the video worksheet we had in class last Friday. The worksheet can be found HERE and the video can be viewed HERE. You only need to watch the first 15 minutes of the video in order to answer the questions.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Wednesday: Outline for the presentation
Presentations are NEXT WEEK. See me if you need to know when you are going.
September 25th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE. If you were out when we watched the video you can view the video HERE and the video worksheets are HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Vocab quiz is tomorrow. The Vocab test is next wednesday and the chapter test will be on Thursday the 2nd. The worksheet for chapter 2 is due tomorrow, if you lost it you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake. The chapter 2 reading can be found HERE. The review for chapter 2 can be located HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Monday (the 29th): Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
Due Monday October 6th: Complete 1 of the following essay topics:
1) The test of truth is whether or not reality confirms what one thinks. Do you agree? Justify your response and show what someone who disagrees with you might say.
2) Lucretius, (1st century BC Roman poet and philosopher) once said, ”What can give us more sure knowledge than our senses? How else can we distinguish between the true and the false?” To what extent do you agree with this?
There is no word limit but make sure to fully evaluate the your essay based on the rubric provided to you by IB. The essay must be typed and should be single spaced.
September 22th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Currently the schedule for this chapter looks like this... This Friday is the vocab quiz, next Wednesday will be the vocab test, and the next Friday will be the chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
September 20th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Currently the schedule for this chapter looks like this... This Friday is the vocab quiz, next Wednesday will be the vocab test, and the next Friday will be the chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
September 16th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life. You should also be working on a 1 pg single spaced paper on either of the following prompts:1.Compare and discuss the following two quotes in the light of your understanding of human perception:
-”It seems that the human mind has first to construct forms independently before we can find them in things. Knowledge cannot spring from experience alone, but only from the comparisons of the invention of the intellect with observed fact.”
-Albert Einstein
-”The subtlest and most pervasive of influences are those which create and maintain stereotypes. We are told about the world before we see it. We imagine most things before we experience them.”
-Walter Lippman
2. What can be meant by the Panchatantra saying, ‘Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes’? Is it necessary to have clear ideas to see?
When turning in the assignment, bring two copies... one with your name on it and the other without your name on it.
September 9th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes for Thursday's test. If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE.
AP Human Geo
Chapter test will take place Thursday. You can find the a review document HERE.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due NEXT Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
September 4th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe that we will have TOMORROW. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE.
AP Human Geo
Due FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1... the rest of the assigned worksheets are due MONDAY (Q and A 2, and Q and A 3). You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place Friday. The vocab test will be on Tuesday and the Chapter test will take place next Thursday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 28th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe. The map test for Europe will take place NEXT FRIDAY. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you.
AP Human Geo
Due next FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1, Q and A 2, and Q and A 3. You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place as well next Friday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
If you did not complete the in class worksheet you can find the reading HERE
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 26th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe. The map test for Europe will take place NEXT FRIDAY. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you.
AP Human Geo
Due next FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1, Q and A 2, and Q and A 3. You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place as well next Friday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet.
AP Human Geo
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet. Also, decorate your popsicle sticks and complete your 1st journal entry..."Who am I?"
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the second practice exam, complete it for tomorrow. After you have taken the second practice exam.... Here is the answer key to the second exam and the explanations... Check yourself and use it to study.
REVIEW THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
May 8th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
We are in the home stretch now... ONE Week and the Exam will be all over. Make sure to complete question #3 from the following FRQ for Monday for practice.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 30th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare presentations and turn in all old work.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
We are in the home stretch now... Two Weeks and the Exam will be all over. HERE is the Practice Exam. Make sure to complete it by MONDAY. Also remember that our vocab TEST for chapter 13 will be on Monday.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 29th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare presentations and turn in all old work.
World Cultural Geo
If you didn't take the test today make sure you are prepared for it the next time you come in.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
If you wish to retake the last test, complete the review document below.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 22th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Prepare an outline to turn in for your presentation. Due Thursday.
Presentations will begin next week.
World Cultural Geo
If you didn't take the test today make sure you are prepared for it the next time you come in.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The worksheets for chapter 12 is HERE and HERE If you would like the definitions from the worksheet I handed out you can find it HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 15th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
-1000 words max
-Morpheus states that, “reality is merely electrical signals interpreted by the brain. Your mind makes it real.” To what extent do you agree with this statement.
-Make sure to include of at least two ways of knowing and at least one area of knowledge and use examples from the movie, personal examples (try to limit it to one personal example), and researched examples (should be the majority).
-Your essay is a summative grade and should be guided by a knowledge question that you come up with regarding the prompt. If you need assistance or want me to look over your knowledge question you can email me or see me before or after class to discuss.
-Due Thursday April 16
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE. If you would like the definitions from the worksheet I handed out you can find it HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 10th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
-1000 words max
-Morpheus states that, “reality is merely electrical signals interpreted by the brain. Your mind makes it real.” To what extent do you agree with this statement.
-Make sure to include of at least two ways of knowing and at least one area of knowledge and use examples from the movie, personal examples (try to limit it to one personal example), and researched examples (should be the majority).
-Your essay is a summative grade and should be guided by a knowledge question that you come up with regarding the prompt. If you need assistance or want me to look over your knowledge question you can email me or see me before or after class to discuss.
-Due Thursday April 16
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 9th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Make sure to watch The Matrix if you were not able to see it in class. Unfortunately the next TV showing is on April 18th on TNT.
World Cultural Geo
Complete the GLOBAL SNEAKER WORKSHEET. If you need the reading it can be found HERE.
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 15th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
April 2nd, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill? Why?"
World Cultural Geo
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Is Walmart good for America?"
AP Human Geo
REMEMBER I will be after school everyday this quarter (with minor exceptions) to help review for the Final AP exam that is on May 13th.
Here is the first and second worksheet for chapter 11. This unit will combine chapters 11 and 12. The first worksheet for chapter 12 is HERE.
If you want to retake the Ch. 10 ag test complete the retake document.
ALSO YOU CAN START REVIEWING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR THE AP EXAM: UNIT 1............ UNIT 2............... UNIT 3..................UNIT 4...............UNIT 5........Unit 6...... Unit 7
March 30th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Would you choose the red pill or the blue pill? Why?"
World Cultural Geo
Complete the following prompt for Wednesday's class while I am out... "Is Walmart good for America?"
AP Human Geo
While I am out, complete the following worksheet with THIS READING FROM CHAPTER 8_.
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
Don't forget we have a chapter test on FRIDAY. HEREare the bonus slides which would be worth looking at as a review for the exam.
March 17th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Work on your presentation.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for the chapter test on Thursday. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class if you do not have it already. Be sure to be in class tomorrow for review for the test.
AP Human Geo
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
If you want to retake the last test HERE is the review document you must complete. You must also make sure that all old assignments are turned in.
March 9th, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
Work on your presentation.
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. There will be a test next week. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete Part 1 Q and A as well as the Part 2 Q and A for chapter 10. Here is the Vocab list for the chapter as well.
If you want to retake the last test HERE is the review document you must complete. You must also make sure that all old assignments are turned in.
March 2nd, 2014
Theory of Knowledge
For Friday, download the planning form found in the TOK powerpoint section of this website. Fill in the information. Send me an electronic copy to [email protected] and bring in a paper version signed by FRIDAY.
To fill out the three sections... the first section, talk about discussing the six prescribed title topics with me and creating outlines for two of the topics and then talking with me to narrow it down to one prescribed title. The second section talk about completing a first draft and receiving global comments from me about the direction of your essay which may include a checklist to ensure that all elements of the essay were met. The third section should talk about submitting it in to and discussing any problematic areas that we sought further clarification to ensure that the writing was yours and me commenting on things of a global nature.
THEN Save the file with the title: firstnamelastnametokppf
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter worksheets (part 1 and part 2) for the Development chapter (due Thursday). The vocab test will be next Wednesday. The Chapter test will be on Thursday. The HGIA reading can be found HERE and the worksheet can be found HERE. If you need the reading for Chapter 9: Development, HERE it is. HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
March 2nd, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and be ready for a quiz. Here is the map handout and the questions regarding the handout from class today. They will be due on Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter worksheets (part 1 and part 2) for the Development chapter (due Thursday). The vocab test will be next Wednesday. The Chapter test will be on Thursday. The HGIA reading can be found HERE and the worksheet can be found HERE. If you need the reading for Chapter 9: Development, HERE it is. HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Make sure your essay is uploaded to and bring in your laptop tomorrow for essay submission. Also, bring in a hard copy of the essay for peer review.
February 24th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and have your notebook ready for the notebook check tomorrow.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (Here they are)
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on you essay by utilizing the essay writing resources, including an "Improving your essay" in our TOK powerpoint section. Tomorrow we will finish up working on our second draft and drafts should be submitted to turnitin by tomorrow at midnight. A paper copy is due in class on Tuesday.
February 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes and prepare for tomorrow's test. Use the following powerpoint to prepare.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (Here they are)
If you want to retake the previous test, complete the worksheet and then come talk to me.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on you essay. You should bring in a completed 1st draft tomorrow for our in class activity. You can find essay writing resources, including an "Improving your essay" in our TOK powerpoint section.
February 5th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Complete the worksheet that we had worked on in class and make sure to turn it in.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test.
Links for worksheets..."What is Nato?" link..and.."The EU in Slides"(Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for Political Geography)
The power of place videos can be found HERE. You will want to see the third and fourth videos.
HERE is the reading for the Why Geo Matters reading.
If you wish to retake the previous test on Ethnicity complete the following worksheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Starting Monday we will have BYOB days so bring your laptop. If you want to look at the essay tips worksheet we went over in class you can find it HERE.
January 27th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes for tomorrow's chapter test. Complete the Review worksheet that we were working on in class today.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test.
Links for worksheets..."What is Nato?" link..and.."The EU in Slides"(Worksheet 1 and worksheet 2 for Political Geography)
HERE is the reading for the Why Geo Matters reading.
If you wish to retake the previous test on Ethnicity complete the following worksheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Start looking at the IB external assessment essay choices for TOK and pick three that you would be comfortable doing. Next week we will start writing our essays.
January 12th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Study section 2 notes for upcoming quiz.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Work on the Q and A worksheets (part 1 and part 2), both will due the day of the chapter test. Currently the plan is: Friday will be the vocab quiz, Tuesday will be the vocab test, and next Wednesday will be the Chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
If you were not in class today, complete one of the following essay prompts for tomorrow using the proper format for the prescribed essays. Page requirements: 2 page max/ 1 page minimum with 11 point font and narrow margins.
•‘Moral wisdom seems to be as little connected to knowledge of ethical theory as playing good tennis is to knowledge of physics’ (Emrys Westacott). To what extent should our actions be guided by our theories in ethics and elsewhere?
•Are reason and emotion equally necessary in justifying moral decisions?
November 24th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Tomorrow is the chapter test on religion. The review sheet for the chapter is also due.
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. Here is the Ch 6 Q and A part 1 and Ch 6 Q and A part 2.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last chapter test (Chapter 5: Language), you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. Once you have completed that, come see me and we will talk through the material and set a time for retaking the test.
Theory of Knowledge
Work on presentation.
November 19th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. \Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A, it will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE. If you need the chapter review it can be found HERE.
If you were not here Monday, HERE is the video on Quebecois and the worksheet. It is also due on Thursday.
If you were not here Tuesday, HERE is the worksheet on THIS READING.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Thursday: Presentation information (who you are working with, what is the real life situation, and what is the knowledge question)
November 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. \Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A, it will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE. If you need the chapter review it can be found HERE.
If you were not here yesterday, HERE is the video on Quebecois and the worksheet. It is also due on Thursday.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Thursday: Presentation information (who you are working with, what is the real life situation, and what is the knowledge question)
November 5th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you didn't turn in the review sheet from last chapter, which can be found HERE, make sure to turn it in along with the test question creation, in which you created 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false).
AP Human Geo
Make sure you are reading the chapter and studying the notes. We will have a vocab quiz next Friday, then the following Wednesday will be the vocab test and then the test will be on Thursday of that same week. Here is the 5.1/5.2 Q and A as well as the 5.3/5.4 Q and A will be due on the day of the chapter test. The chapter reading can be found HERE.
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
Theory of Knowledge
Due NEXT Friday: “When the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble nails” (Abraham Maslow). How might this apply to ways of knowing, as tools, in the pursuit of knowledge?
Minimum 2 pages double spaced
October 31th, 2014
AP Human Geo
TEST RETAKES: If you wish to retake the last test, you must make sure that all of your assignments have been completed, you must complete the review sheet (which most of you have already done), and you must complete the following question sheet. If you don't have the review sheet...HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST.
October 27th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Complete the chapter review sheet which can be found HERE. Also, create 10 test like questions (8 multiple choice, 2 fill in the blank, and 1 true/false). Due Wednesday. Test is also this Wednesday.
AP Human Geo
HERE IS THE REVIEW SHEET FOR THE TEST. You can work on it tomorrow while I am out or you can also complete the review powerpoint for Wednesday's test. Complete the chapter 3 worksheets for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2) If you need the reading it can be found HERE. Tomorrow the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
October 21st, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter 3 worksheets for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2) If you need the reading it can be found HERE. Tomorrow the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
October 16th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes.
AP Human Geo
Complete the chapter 3 worksheet for the 29th (Q and A 1 and Q and A 2)If you need the reading it can be found HERE. This Wednesday the HGIA worksheet is due... the reading can be found HERE. Also, this Wednesday is the Vocab quiz for chapter 3. The Vocab Test will be on the 29th and the Chapter test will be on the 30th.
October 6th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. Make sure to complete the video worksheet we had in class last Friday. The worksheet can be found HERE and the video can be viewed HERE. You only need to watch the first 15 minutes of the video in order to answer the questions.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Make sure to complete the video worksheet we had in class last Friday. The worksheet can be found HERE and the video can be viewed HERE. You only need to watch the first 15 minutes of the video in order to answer the questions.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Wednesday: Outline for the presentation
Presentations are NEXT WEEK. See me if you need to know when you are going.
September 25th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE. If you were out when we watched the video you can view the video HERE and the video worksheets are HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Vocab quiz is tomorrow. The Vocab test is next wednesday and the chapter test will be on Thursday the 2nd. The worksheet for chapter 2 is due tomorrow, if you lost it you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake. The chapter 2 reading can be found HERE. The review for chapter 2 can be located HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Monday (the 29th): Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
Due Monday October 6th: Complete 1 of the following essay topics:
1) The test of truth is whether or not reality confirms what one thinks. Do you agree? Justify your response and show what someone who disagrees with you might say.
2) Lucretius, (1st century BC Roman poet and philosopher) once said, ”What can give us more sure knowledge than our senses? How else can we distinguish between the true and the false?” To what extent do you agree with this?
There is no word limit but make sure to fully evaluate the your essay based on the rubric provided to you by IB. The essay must be typed and should be single spaced.
September 22th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Currently the schedule for this chapter looks like this... This Friday is the vocab quiz, next Wednesday will be the vocab test, and the next Friday will be the chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
September 20th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes including the worksheet that we worked on in class. If you lost the worksheet you can find it HERE and the data packet for completing it can be found HERE.
If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Currently the schedule for this chapter looks like this... This Friday is the vocab quiz, next Wednesday will be the vocab test, and the next Friday will be the chapter test.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry.
September 16th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Study notes. If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE. If you wish to retake the last chapter test, make an appointment to meet with me. We will have a review session and, as long as you pass the review, then we will schedule a retake day for the test.
AP Human Geo
Start working on the vocab for chapter 2 (population). If you want to start on the worksheets early you can download it here. If you wish to take the test retake for chapter 1 you must complete this review sheet. After you have completed the worksheet you must attend a tutoring session and then, once I have ok'd it, you can come in at a later date to take the retake.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life. You should also be working on a 1 pg single spaced paper on either of the following prompts:1.Compare and discuss the following two quotes in the light of your understanding of human perception:
-”It seems that the human mind has first to construct forms independently before we can find them in things. Knowledge cannot spring from experience alone, but only from the comparisons of the invention of the intellect with observed fact.”
-Albert Einstein
-”The subtlest and most pervasive of influences are those which create and maintain stereotypes. We are told about the world before we see it. We imagine most things before we experience them.”
-Walter Lippman
2. What can be meant by the Panchatantra saying, ‘Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes’? Is it necessary to have clear ideas to see?
When turning in the assignment, bring two copies... one with your name on it and the other without your name on it.
September 9th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes for Thursday's test. If you want to retake the map test, fully label a map of Europe with countries and capitals. In addition, list on a separate sheet of paper the latitude/longitude coordinates of 20 country capitals of Europe of your choice. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE.
AP Human Geo
Chapter test will take place Thursday. You can find the a review document HERE.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due NEXT Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
September 4th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe that we will have TOMORROW. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you. Also if you did not complete the latitude and longitude activity, complete it and turn it in for credit. If you lost the assignment you can find it HERE.
AP Human Geo
Due FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1... the rest of the assigned worksheets are due MONDAY (Q and A 2, and Q and A 3). You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place Friday. The vocab test will be on Tuesday and the Chapter test will take place next Thursday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 28th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe. The map test for Europe will take place NEXT FRIDAY. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you.
AP Human Geo
Due next FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1, Q and A 2, and Q and A 3. You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place as well next Friday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
If you did not complete the in class worksheet you can find the reading HERE
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class, such as the ways of knowing, to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 26th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Make sure to look over your notes as well as preparing for the map test of Europe. The map test for Europe will take place NEXT FRIDAY. You can also use THIS LINK to find a practice mapping game to help you.
AP Human Geo
Due next FRIDAY (Sept. 5): Chapter 1 Q and A 1, Q and A 2, and Q and A 3. You should also be preparing for the the vocab quiz which will take place as well next Friday.
If you need the reading for chapter 1 it can be found HERE.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete 1 entry in your journal as a field notebook entry. In order to do this, apply what we have talked about in class to something you have encountered in your everyday life.
AUGUST 18th, 2014
World Cultural Geo
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet.
AP Human Geo
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet.
Theory of Knowledge
Due Friday: Complete the Student Inventory Sheet. Also, decorate your popsicle sticks and complete your 1st journal entry..."Who am I?"