CLASS RULES In addition to complying with the Deland High School and the Acceptable Use Policy for the school’s computer equipment, the following rules apply in this class.
I. Take responsibility for your own learning.
1. Every student will treat the other students with respect, will do their best, will do what is right, and will establish sound goals and work habits.
2. Come to class on time, dressed appropriately, with all necessary materials.
3. Listen attentively during lectures, projects, and discussions.
4. Complete assignments on time and be prepared to take tests on scheduled dates.
5. Participate in class discussions.
II. Respect the rights and needs of others.
1. Students will act like ladies and gentlemen at all times.
2. Respect yourself and come to class abiding by the dress code, with shirts tucked in.
3. Respect others by avoiding derogatory statements; use appropriate language at all times.
4. Refrain from insulting other students. This will not be tolerated and may result in the issuance of a progress report, or a more severe deterrent.
5. Prevent interrupting the speaker by confining conversations to appropriate times and forms.
6. Turn off cell phones. They may be confiscated if heard.
7. Contribute your share of effort to group work.
III. Demonstrate proper classroom etiquette.
1. Be on time and bring your tools (notebook, pen or pencil, laptop,...).
2. Enter quietly if you arrive late. Place your pass on the desk, go quietly to your seat and, if necessary, quietly ask someone sitting near you to point out what the class is doing.
3. Sit in your assigned seat. If you need a specific accommodation please let me know so we can arrange it. Periodically throughout the year, the teacher may change the seating arrangement as appropriate to improve the learning environment.
IV. Use computers for coursework only.
1. Unless instructed otherwise, you may use computers for in-class assignments, but NOT for note taking.
2. No student will be allowed to use another student’s laptop unless specifically instructed to do so.
3. Resist the temptation to play games, read and write email, surf the web, or engage in any activity other than the assigned task.
V. Treat all property with respect.
1. Ensure that school furniture and facilities are not abused.
2. Use other students' materials and equipment only as expressly permitted.
3. Clear the area around your desk before you leave.
In this class we have a limited amount of time to pursue infinite opportunities. In an effort to create and maintain the best possible learning environment, the teacher has established certain classroom procedures. These guidelines are in direct conformity with the philosophy of Deland High School.
1. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on assigned dates unless the teacher is notified prior to the due date. If you are absent on a day when work is due you will have one day for each day you are absent to complete the work, after this, work will be considered late and in order to turn in the assignment an additional assignment of the instructor's choosing will need to be completed. DO NOT work on assignments during class unless you have been instructed to by the teacher. If you leave school early for an appointment, sports or illness, please email your work, send it to class with a classmate, or have the Office place it in the teacher's mailbox. It is YOUR responsibility to ask the teacher for missed work and to check the website for assignments.
2. Read the chapters under discussion. Unannounced quizzes are given at random to assure that you keep yourself up to date. Unannounced quizzes will generally address what is due for that particular day. Tests will cover any material addressed in class, the textbook, or additional information presented throughout a particular unit or course of study.
3. Every student must maintain a minimum of a 70 average on tests to remain in good standing. Should a student score below a 70 on a test or major assignment, the student must complete a makeup assignment to demonstrate additional learning has occurred and a retake of the test can be taken only after completion of the additional assignment. When a second test has been taken, the score received on the second test will be the score entered into the gradebook regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the first score. All students scoring below 90% are allowed to take a retake on an assessment provided they have completed, to the instructor's satisfaction, additional learning assignments.
4. Students are expected to keep track of their own grades through Gradebook. Do not ask for your average if you have not written them down on your own. In addition, do not ask for points or extra credit (or in other words “free points at the end of the marking period that you haven’t earned but want anyway because you are sure it will boost your GPA and your parents will finally buy you that pony you’ve been dying to have”). Extra credit, if any, will be given at the teacher’s discretion. There is enough “actual credit” to do well in the course itself.
5. Students are not permitted to work on assignments for other subjects during class time. The same goes for studying for tests, quizzes, and the like.
6. Make-up tests will be in the designated testing area. Tests missed because of an illness will have a 2 day grace period in which a makeup test MUST be taken. Makeup tests may be taken before school, after school, or during your lunch. If there are extenuating circumstances, these need to be discussed with the teacher immediately. An unexcused absence (e.g. skipping) will result in a zero. It is YOUR responsibility to arrive on time.
7. If you have an excused absence (field trip, sports, family trip,…) assigned work is to be handed in the day before you leave or the day you return -- or it will be late.
8. Any questions, concerns, or arguments for major point opportunities such as tests, projects, or papers can be submitted in writing (ex. email) for the teachers’ review. Class time will not be used to discuss points earned (or not earned).
For homework and in-class assignments, you are generally free to discuss your work with classmates, parents, tutors, etc. However, you need to exercise discretion in how you do so in order to ensure that everything you submit accurately reflects your work (or that of your group for cooperative assignments).
Assigned Task Rules:
1. Do not look at any other student’s work and do not show your work to any other student.
2. Take responsibility for your own actions. A student's printer failing to operate properly, or any other excuse barring the most dire circumstances, will not be accepted for any assignment that a student has more than one day to prepare. If there is an issue in completing an assignment you must show you made every effort to complete it. For example, if your printer is broken, email me the work. If your internet is not working, take a picture of your assignment and show me in class that you have it or bring it in on a flash drive.
If you wish to approach the teacher about handing in a late assignment or project, please state what you want first (“I want to get an extension …”), then state your reasons/excuses; not the other way around.
3. Do not plagiarize or take any original ideas from someone else's work. Plagiarism includes copying someone else's presentation/words (this includes your text and other books, encyclopedias, internet sites, etc.) and handed in as YOUR work. This will result in a zero on the assignment in question. Copying someone else's work, whether written, spoken, or in any other form, is unethical and strictly forbidden. If necessary, your case may be dealt with by the Honor Court, or with the Conduct Review Committee.
4. Under most circumstances, do not ask another student how he or she answered a particular question, and do not tell another student how you answered a particular question. For instance, asking another student to clarify a point you are desperately trying to grasp, or seeking other students’ perspectives on a particular topic to educate yourself on various points of view would be acceptable, since your intent is to gain knowledge and not to simply find an easy solution. However, simply asking another student for an answer without concerning yourself with the process (e.g. “What’s the answer to question #4?”) is ethically wrong, and will obviously be considered cheating. Do your own work. Please refer to the following sites that explain how to avoid plagiarism at Indiana University or Purdue Online Writing Labs.
Guidelines: 1. Make sure the use of information from other sources is appropriate for the assignment in question.
2. Make sure that such information is used sparingly and only in support of the main thesis.
3. Clearly designate the information used and accurately document its source.
4. Keep your eyes on your own paper during tests. Completely erase any answer you wish to change on your scantron sheet. If you wish, you may ask for another while the test is still being administered. Barring an obvious problem with your scantron sheet (e.g. the machine marking a correct answer as incorrect with no visible erasures), you will not receive extra points for errors.
My Expectations:
While it is impossible to list all means of cheating, lying, plagiarism, etc., I expect all students to act with integrity, and to use common sense. To provide guidance in this regard, if you have done something that you do not want me to know the truth about, you have most likely used poor judgment. If you cannot be forthright with me about the source of your information, you have most likely taken credit for someone else's work. If you have not received specific approval from me for any additional resources for all assessments and lessons, you have most likely violated the honor code by using inappropriate materials.
You begin the year with a clean slate, for I have no reason not to trust you. However, if this trust is violated, it will be dealt with appropriately and immediately. The bottom line is this, do what is right.
Students' averages are determined by an 75% assessment/25% assignment weighting scheme. Each quarter will consist of a summation of a variety of individual grades. Late assignments will be provided that additional work has been completed. If the additional assignment has not been completed the late work will not be accepted, the same policy goes for exams.
If you experience unusual difficulty in the assignments, either in general or consistently in a specific area, this is a signal to seek extra help. For best results, attend extra help sessions as needed, rather than only the day before a test or major assignment. Bring in homework to help locate troublesome areas. I am available before school, after school, or during lunch for tutoring. It is your responsibility to attend tutoring if you are having difficulty as I cannot force you to attend.
I am available for extra help before or after school by appointment. Also, I check my email several times a day.
I. Take responsibility for your own learning.
1. Every student will treat the other students with respect, will do their best, will do what is right, and will establish sound goals and work habits.
2. Come to class on time, dressed appropriately, with all necessary materials.
3. Listen attentively during lectures, projects, and discussions.
4. Complete assignments on time and be prepared to take tests on scheduled dates.
5. Participate in class discussions.
II. Respect the rights and needs of others.
1. Students will act like ladies and gentlemen at all times.
2. Respect yourself and come to class abiding by the dress code, with shirts tucked in.
3. Respect others by avoiding derogatory statements; use appropriate language at all times.
4. Refrain from insulting other students. This will not be tolerated and may result in the issuance of a progress report, or a more severe deterrent.
5. Prevent interrupting the speaker by confining conversations to appropriate times and forms.
6. Turn off cell phones. They may be confiscated if heard.
7. Contribute your share of effort to group work.
III. Demonstrate proper classroom etiquette.
1. Be on time and bring your tools (notebook, pen or pencil, laptop,...).
2. Enter quietly if you arrive late. Place your pass on the desk, go quietly to your seat and, if necessary, quietly ask someone sitting near you to point out what the class is doing.
3. Sit in your assigned seat. If you need a specific accommodation please let me know so we can arrange it. Periodically throughout the year, the teacher may change the seating arrangement as appropriate to improve the learning environment.
IV. Use computers for coursework only.
1. Unless instructed otherwise, you may use computers for in-class assignments, but NOT for note taking.
2. No student will be allowed to use another student’s laptop unless specifically instructed to do so.
3. Resist the temptation to play games, read and write email, surf the web, or engage in any activity other than the assigned task.
V. Treat all property with respect.
1. Ensure that school furniture and facilities are not abused.
2. Use other students' materials and equipment only as expressly permitted.
3. Clear the area around your desk before you leave.
In this class we have a limited amount of time to pursue infinite opportunities. In an effort to create and maintain the best possible learning environment, the teacher has established certain classroom procedures. These guidelines are in direct conformity with the philosophy of Deland High School.
1. All assignments are due at the beginning of the class on assigned dates unless the teacher is notified prior to the due date. If you are absent on a day when work is due you will have one day for each day you are absent to complete the work, after this, work will be considered late and in order to turn in the assignment an additional assignment of the instructor's choosing will need to be completed. DO NOT work on assignments during class unless you have been instructed to by the teacher. If you leave school early for an appointment, sports or illness, please email your work, send it to class with a classmate, or have the Office place it in the teacher's mailbox. It is YOUR responsibility to ask the teacher for missed work and to check the website for assignments.
2. Read the chapters under discussion. Unannounced quizzes are given at random to assure that you keep yourself up to date. Unannounced quizzes will generally address what is due for that particular day. Tests will cover any material addressed in class, the textbook, or additional information presented throughout a particular unit or course of study.
3. Every student must maintain a minimum of a 70 average on tests to remain in good standing. Should a student score below a 70 on a test or major assignment, the student must complete a makeup assignment to demonstrate additional learning has occurred and a retake of the test can be taken only after completion of the additional assignment. When a second test has been taken, the score received on the second test will be the score entered into the gradebook regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the first score. All students scoring below 90% are allowed to take a retake on an assessment provided they have completed, to the instructor's satisfaction, additional learning assignments.
4. Students are expected to keep track of their own grades through Gradebook. Do not ask for your average if you have not written them down on your own. In addition, do not ask for points or extra credit (or in other words “free points at the end of the marking period that you haven’t earned but want anyway because you are sure it will boost your GPA and your parents will finally buy you that pony you’ve been dying to have”). Extra credit, if any, will be given at the teacher’s discretion. There is enough “actual credit” to do well in the course itself.
5. Students are not permitted to work on assignments for other subjects during class time. The same goes for studying for tests, quizzes, and the like.
6. Make-up tests will be in the designated testing area. Tests missed because of an illness will have a 2 day grace period in which a makeup test MUST be taken. Makeup tests may be taken before school, after school, or during your lunch. If there are extenuating circumstances, these need to be discussed with the teacher immediately. An unexcused absence (e.g. skipping) will result in a zero. It is YOUR responsibility to arrive on time.
7. If you have an excused absence (field trip, sports, family trip,…) assigned work is to be handed in the day before you leave or the day you return -- or it will be late.
8. Any questions, concerns, or arguments for major point opportunities such as tests, projects, or papers can be submitted in writing (ex. email) for the teachers’ review. Class time will not be used to discuss points earned (or not earned).
For homework and in-class assignments, you are generally free to discuss your work with classmates, parents, tutors, etc. However, you need to exercise discretion in how you do so in order to ensure that everything you submit accurately reflects your work (or that of your group for cooperative assignments).
Assigned Task Rules:
1. Do not look at any other student’s work and do not show your work to any other student.
2. Take responsibility for your own actions. A student's printer failing to operate properly, or any other excuse barring the most dire circumstances, will not be accepted for any assignment that a student has more than one day to prepare. If there is an issue in completing an assignment you must show you made every effort to complete it. For example, if your printer is broken, email me the work. If your internet is not working, take a picture of your assignment and show me in class that you have it or bring it in on a flash drive.
If you wish to approach the teacher about handing in a late assignment or project, please state what you want first (“I want to get an extension …”), then state your reasons/excuses; not the other way around.
3. Do not plagiarize or take any original ideas from someone else's work. Plagiarism includes copying someone else's presentation/words (this includes your text and other books, encyclopedias, internet sites, etc.) and handed in as YOUR work. This will result in a zero on the assignment in question. Copying someone else's work, whether written, spoken, or in any other form, is unethical and strictly forbidden. If necessary, your case may be dealt with by the Honor Court, or with the Conduct Review Committee.
4. Under most circumstances, do not ask another student how he or she answered a particular question, and do not tell another student how you answered a particular question. For instance, asking another student to clarify a point you are desperately trying to grasp, or seeking other students’ perspectives on a particular topic to educate yourself on various points of view would be acceptable, since your intent is to gain knowledge and not to simply find an easy solution. However, simply asking another student for an answer without concerning yourself with the process (e.g. “What’s the answer to question #4?”) is ethically wrong, and will obviously be considered cheating. Do your own work. Please refer to the following sites that explain how to avoid plagiarism at Indiana University or Purdue Online Writing Labs.
Guidelines: 1. Make sure the use of information from other sources is appropriate for the assignment in question.
2. Make sure that such information is used sparingly and only in support of the main thesis.
3. Clearly designate the information used and accurately document its source.
4. Keep your eyes on your own paper during tests. Completely erase any answer you wish to change on your scantron sheet. If you wish, you may ask for another while the test is still being administered. Barring an obvious problem with your scantron sheet (e.g. the machine marking a correct answer as incorrect with no visible erasures), you will not receive extra points for errors.
My Expectations:
While it is impossible to list all means of cheating, lying, plagiarism, etc., I expect all students to act with integrity, and to use common sense. To provide guidance in this regard, if you have done something that you do not want me to know the truth about, you have most likely used poor judgment. If you cannot be forthright with me about the source of your information, you have most likely taken credit for someone else's work. If you have not received specific approval from me for any additional resources for all assessments and lessons, you have most likely violated the honor code by using inappropriate materials.
You begin the year with a clean slate, for I have no reason not to trust you. However, if this trust is violated, it will be dealt with appropriately and immediately. The bottom line is this, do what is right.
Students' averages are determined by an 75% assessment/25% assignment weighting scheme. Each quarter will consist of a summation of a variety of individual grades. Late assignments will be provided that additional work has been completed. If the additional assignment has not been completed the late work will not be accepted, the same policy goes for exams.
If you experience unusual difficulty in the assignments, either in general or consistently in a specific area, this is a signal to seek extra help. For best results, attend extra help sessions as needed, rather than only the day before a test or major assignment. Bring in homework to help locate troublesome areas. I am available before school, after school, or during lunch for tutoring. It is your responsibility to attend tutoring if you are having difficulty as I cannot force you to attend.
I am available for extra help before or after school by appointment. Also, I check my email several times a day.