Psychology I & II
2018 - 2019 Course Syllabus
[email protected]
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to provide an overview of the major areas in the field of psychology. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to identify the major theories, terminology, principles, and methods.
TOPICS: Major Units/Topics/Themes:
Psych I:
- Introduction and Research Methods
- Biological Bases of Behavior
- Sensation and Perception
- States of Consciousness
- Lifespan Development
- Learning
- Thinking and Language
- Social and Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
Psych II:
- Memory
- Individual Differences
- Motivation and Emotion
- Personality and Assessment
- Sociocultural
- Treatment of Psychological Disorders
- Stress, Coping and Health
- Psychology: Present and Future
Students should have the following materials available to use:
A) Notebook, folder, paper
B) A good writing implement
TEXTBOOK: Understanding Psychology - Kasschau
OFFICE HOURS: Mr. Wetter will be in his room (7-201) after school, before school, or during lunch by appointment for makeup or tutoring.
1) Turn off and put away cell phones & iPods.
2) Follow directions
3) Be on time
4) Use proper language & manners
5) Keep the room clean
6) No food/gum/drinks
1) Warning
2) Student/teacher conference
3) Parent/teacher contact and/or conference
4) Teacher detention
5) Office referral
EVALUATION: A student should score at least a 70% on tests in order to demonstrate mastery of a topic. If they do not pass the student has the option to perform a remediation activity of the instructor's choice and then, after demonstrating proficiency, a second remediation session can be scheduled in order to retake the test. All students performing under a 90% on an assessment summative may retake the test provided that they have completed additional work of the instructor's choice. MINI SUMMATIVES [vocab exams] are NOT eligible for retakes). A student will have only one opportunity to retake the test and the second of the two grades will be taken unless the instructor can see a concerted effort has been made to improve. Exam retakes must be taken within 15 school days or else it cannot be retaken and only one retake can be taken per school quarter unless approved by the instructor. Overall grades will be calculated by the following formula: 40% for formative assignments (ex. homework) and 60% for summative assignments (ex. tests).
EXAMS: You will be tested on the major concepts, ideas, and vocabulary covered in class or found in your text at the end of every chapter. Exam questions will come from the notes you take during lecture/discussions, information from class activities and/or labs, and from the guided reading questions assigned for homework. For each chapter, exams may contain…
1) a 50 point multiple choice exam that checks your comprehension of the content covered.
2) a free-response question or questions
3) a vocabulary exam by matching terms with their definitions
Students who complete the reading assignments, take the time to answer the guided reading questions, and review notes & daily work should be well prepared for the exams.
QUIZZES: Expect a quiz multiple times per week. Questions are normally related to work completed during class the day before or on your reading assignments. Students who are on task during class and complete their own work usually do very well on daily quizzes. Students who miss a quiz will need to schedule a make-up time after school. All quizzes for a particular unit need to be made up before the chapter exam in order to receive credit.
DAILY WORK: Each student should have a three 3 – ring notebook and/or folder with pockets. The middle section of the folder should consist of at least 100 pages of ruled notebook paper. You will keep all notes & information from class in this folder. Daily work is given to you to help you understand the material and prepare you for the exam at the end of the chapter. During the quarter, I will collect and grade only a fraction of the work you have been assigned. Many times however, quiz questions are based on work that should have either been completed in class or at home the day before.
MID-TERM/FINAL: Student will be expected take a comprehensive exam at the end of each semester.
Teacher’s Authority to Override Final Grade: A teacher may override the final grade if a student’s overall performance warrants it. Before the grade override is finalized, the teacher must notify the parent/guardian concerning the student’s performance if the override may result in a lower final grade. The teacher may issue a failing grade override based on the student’s overall performance only with the approval of the principal.
- This refers to the final grade of the grading period, or the final grade for the course.
Viewing of PG-13 Movie Release
Often appropriate PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies can be utilized effectively to enrich classroom instruction and accomplish identified objectives. If you give permission for your child to view such materials, you do not have to do anything. (NOTE: NO “R” rated movies will ever be shown per Volusia County School Board Policy). If you do NOT wish to grant permission for your child to view any PG-13 movies identified by the teacher as effective in teaching the curriculum, please contact me via email at[email protected] or send in a note with your student.
If you experience unusual difficulty in the assignments, either in general or consistently in a specific area, this is a signal to seek extra help. For best results, attend extra help sessions as needed, rather than only the day before a test or major assignment. Bring in homework to help locate troublesome areas. I am available before school, after school, or during lunch for tutoring. It is your responsibility to attend tutoring if you are having difficulty as I cannot force you to attend.
I am available for extra help before or after school by appointment. Also, I check my email ([email protected] or [email protected]) several times a day.
Class Size Amendment Syllabus Statement
There are a number of core courses at DeLand High School that are covered by Class Size Amendment. According to this state mandate, class size may not exceed twenty-five students in these classes. To be in compliance with Class Size Amendment, students who are failing at the interim date may be subject to removal from this course.
2018 - 2019 Course Syllabus
[email protected]
Course Objectives:
This course is designed to provide an overview of the major areas in the field of psychology. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to identify the major theories, terminology, principles, and methods.
TOPICS: Major Units/Topics/Themes:
Psych I:
- Introduction and Research Methods
- Biological Bases of Behavior
- Sensation and Perception
- States of Consciousness
- Lifespan Development
- Learning
- Thinking and Language
- Social and Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
Psych II:
- Memory
- Individual Differences
- Motivation and Emotion
- Personality and Assessment
- Sociocultural
- Treatment of Psychological Disorders
- Stress, Coping and Health
- Psychology: Present and Future
Students should have the following materials available to use:
A) Notebook, folder, paper
B) A good writing implement
TEXTBOOK: Understanding Psychology - Kasschau
OFFICE HOURS: Mr. Wetter will be in his room (7-201) after school, before school, or during lunch by appointment for makeup or tutoring.
1) Turn off and put away cell phones & iPods.
2) Follow directions
3) Be on time
4) Use proper language & manners
5) Keep the room clean
6) No food/gum/drinks
1) Warning
2) Student/teacher conference
3) Parent/teacher contact and/or conference
4) Teacher detention
5) Office referral
EVALUATION: A student should score at least a 70% on tests in order to demonstrate mastery of a topic. If they do not pass the student has the option to perform a remediation activity of the instructor's choice and then, after demonstrating proficiency, a second remediation session can be scheduled in order to retake the test. All students performing under a 90% on an assessment summative may retake the test provided that they have completed additional work of the instructor's choice. MINI SUMMATIVES [vocab exams] are NOT eligible for retakes). A student will have only one opportunity to retake the test and the second of the two grades will be taken unless the instructor can see a concerted effort has been made to improve. Exam retakes must be taken within 15 school days or else it cannot be retaken and only one retake can be taken per school quarter unless approved by the instructor. Overall grades will be calculated by the following formula: 40% for formative assignments (ex. homework) and 60% for summative assignments (ex. tests).
EXAMS: You will be tested on the major concepts, ideas, and vocabulary covered in class or found in your text at the end of every chapter. Exam questions will come from the notes you take during lecture/discussions, information from class activities and/or labs, and from the guided reading questions assigned for homework. For each chapter, exams may contain…
1) a 50 point multiple choice exam that checks your comprehension of the content covered.
2) a free-response question or questions
3) a vocabulary exam by matching terms with their definitions
Students who complete the reading assignments, take the time to answer the guided reading questions, and review notes & daily work should be well prepared for the exams.
QUIZZES: Expect a quiz multiple times per week. Questions are normally related to work completed during class the day before or on your reading assignments. Students who are on task during class and complete their own work usually do very well on daily quizzes. Students who miss a quiz will need to schedule a make-up time after school. All quizzes for a particular unit need to be made up before the chapter exam in order to receive credit.
DAILY WORK: Each student should have a three 3 – ring notebook and/or folder with pockets. The middle section of the folder should consist of at least 100 pages of ruled notebook paper. You will keep all notes & information from class in this folder. Daily work is given to you to help you understand the material and prepare you for the exam at the end of the chapter. During the quarter, I will collect and grade only a fraction of the work you have been assigned. Many times however, quiz questions are based on work that should have either been completed in class or at home the day before.
MID-TERM/FINAL: Student will be expected take a comprehensive exam at the end of each semester.
Teacher’s Authority to Override Final Grade: A teacher may override the final grade if a student’s overall performance warrants it. Before the grade override is finalized, the teacher must notify the parent/guardian concerning the student’s performance if the override may result in a lower final grade. The teacher may issue a failing grade override based on the student’s overall performance only with the approval of the principal.
- This refers to the final grade of the grading period, or the final grade for the course.
Viewing of PG-13 Movie Release
Often appropriate PG-13 movies or sections of PG-13 movies can be utilized effectively to enrich classroom instruction and accomplish identified objectives. If you give permission for your child to view such materials, you do not have to do anything. (NOTE: NO “R” rated movies will ever be shown per Volusia County School Board Policy). If you do NOT wish to grant permission for your child to view any PG-13 movies identified by the teacher as effective in teaching the curriculum, please contact me via email at[email protected] or send in a note with your student.
If you experience unusual difficulty in the assignments, either in general or consistently in a specific area, this is a signal to seek extra help. For best results, attend extra help sessions as needed, rather than only the day before a test or major assignment. Bring in homework to help locate troublesome areas. I am available before school, after school, or during lunch for tutoring. It is your responsibility to attend tutoring if you are having difficulty as I cannot force you to attend.
I am available for extra help before or after school by appointment. Also, I check my email ([email protected] or [email protected]) several times a day.
Class Size Amendment Syllabus Statement
There are a number of core courses at DeLand High School that are covered by Class Size Amendment. According to this state mandate, class size may not exceed twenty-five students in these classes. To be in compliance with Class Size Amendment, students who are failing at the interim date may be subject to removal from this course.